import logging
import os
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Tuple, Union, cast, overload
import yaml
from schema import And, Optional, Or, Regex, Schema
from cowbird.typedefs import (
from cowbird.utils import get_logger, print_log, raise_log
LOGGER = get_logger(__name__)
MULTI_TOKEN = "**" # nosec: B105
# Either a single word, or a list of words in array
# Mapping format
# <res_key1> : <permission(s)> <direction> <res_key2> : <permission(s)>
MAPPING_REGEX = r"(\w+)\s*:\s*" + PERMISSIONS_REGEX + r"\s*" + DIRECTION_REGEX + r"\s*(\w+)\s*:\s*" + PERMISSIONS_REGEX
NAMED_TOKEN_REGEX = r"^\{\s*(\w+)\s*\}$" # nosec: B105
class ConfigError(RuntimeError):
Generic error during configuration loading.
class ConfigErrorInvalidTokens(ConfigError):
Config error specific to invalid SINGLE_TOKEN or MULTI_TOKEN tokens.
class ConfigErrorInvalidServiceKey(ConfigError):
Config error for invalid service keys.
class ConfigErrorInvalidResourceKey(ConfigError):
Config error for invalid resource keys.
def _load_config(path_or_dict: Union[str, ConfigDict], section: str, allow_missing: bool = False) -> ConfigDict:
Loads a file path or dictionary as YAML/JSON configuration.
if isinstance(path_or_dict, str):
with open(path_or_dict, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
cfg = yaml.safe_load(f)
cfg = path_or_dict
return _expand_all(cfg[section])
except KeyError:
msg = f"Config file section [{section!s}] not found."
if allow_missing:
print_log(msg, level=logging.WARNING, logger=LOGGER)
return {}
raise_log(msg, exception=ConfigError, logger=LOGGER)
except Exception as exc:
raise_log(f"Invalid config file [{exc!r}]",
exception=ConfigError, logger=LOGGER)
def get_all_configs( # type: ignore[misc,unused-ignore]
path_or_dict: Union[str, ConfigDict],
section: Literal["handlers"],
allow_missing: bool = False,
) -> List[Dict[str, HandlerConfig]]:
def get_all_configs( # type: ignore[misc,unused-ignore]
path_or_dict: Union[str, ConfigDict],
section: Literal["sync_permissions"],
allow_missing: bool = False,
) -> List[SyncPointConfig]:
def get_all_configs( # type: ignore[misc,unused-ignore]
path_or_dict: Union[str, ConfigDict],
section: str,
allow_missing: bool = False,
) -> List[Union[ConfigDict, Dict[str, HandlerConfig], SyncPointConfig]]:
Loads all configuration files specified by the path (if a directory), a single configuration (if a file) or directly
returns the specified dictionary section (if a configuration dictionary).
- list of configurations loaded if input was a directory path
- list of single configuration if input was a file path
- list of single configuration if input was a JSON dict
- empty list if none of the other cases where matched
.. note::
Order of file loading will be resolved by alphabetically sorted filename
if specifying a directory path.
if isinstance(path_or_dict, str):
if os.path.isdir(path_or_dict):
dir_path = os.path.abspath(path_or_dict)
known_extensions = [".cfg", ".yml", ".yaml", ".json"]
cfg_names = list(sorted({fn for fn in os.listdir(dir_path)
if any(fn.endswith(ext) for ext in
return [_load_config(os.path.join(dir_path, fn),
allow_missing) for fn in cfg_names]
if os.path.isfile(path_or_dict):
return [_load_config(path_or_dict, section, allow_missing)]
elif isinstance(path_or_dict, dict):
return [_load_config(path_or_dict, section, allow_missing)]
return []
def _expand_all(config: ConfigDict) -> ConfigDict:
Applies environment variable expansion recursively to all applicable fields of a configuration definition.
if isinstance(config, dict):
for cfg in list(config):
cfg_key = os.path.expandvars(cfg)
if cfg_key != cfg:
config[cfg_key] = config.pop(cfg)
config[cfg_key] = _expand_all(cast(ConfigDict, config[cfg_key]))
elif isinstance(config, (list, set)):
for i, cfg in enumerate(config):
config[i] = _expand_all(cfg)
elif isinstance(config, str):
config = os.path.expandvars(str(config))
elif isinstance(config, (int, bool, float, type(None))):
raise NotImplementedError(f"unknown parsing of config of type: {type(config)}")
return config
def validate_handlers_config_schema(handlers_cfg: Dict[str, HandlerConfig]) -> None:
Validates the schema of the `handlers` section found in the config.
str_not_empty_validator = And(str, lambda s: len(s) > 0)
schema = Schema({
str: { # Handler name
# parameters common to all handlers
Optional("active"): bool,
Optional("priority"): int,
Optional("url"): str,
Optional("workspace_dir"): str,
# parameters for specific handlers
Optional("jupyterhub_user_data_dir"): str_not_empty_validator,
Optional("wps_outputs_dir"): str_not_empty_validator,
Optional("secure_data_proxy_name"): str_not_empty_validator,
Optional("wps_outputs_res_name"): str_not_empty_validator,
Optional("notebooks_dir_name"): str_not_empty_validator,
Optional("public_workspace_wps_outputs_subpath"): str_not_empty_validator,
Optional("user_wps_outputs_dir_name"): str_not_empty_validator,
}, ignore_extra_keys=True)
def validate_sync_perm_config_schema(sync_cfg: SyncPointConfig) -> None:
Validates the schema of the `sync_permissions` section found in the config.
schema = Schema({
Optional(str): {
"services": {
str: { # Service type, must correspond to an actual Magpie service type
str: [ # Resource key, used to identify the resource here and in the permissions_mapping
{Or("name", "regex", only_one=True): str, "type": str, Optional("field"): str}
"permissions_mapping": [Regex(MAPPING_REGEX)]
def validate_and_get_resource_info(res_key: str, segments: List[ConfigSegment]) -> ConfigResTokenInfo:
Validates a resource_key and its related info from the config and returns some resource info relevant to the config
mapping validation.
Returned info contains the following:
- if the resource uses a MULTI_TOKEN in its resource_path
- the list of named tokens found in the resource_path
named_tokens = set()
has_multi_token = False
for seg in segments:
if "name" in seg:
if seg["name"] == MULTI_TOKEN:
if has_multi_token:
raise ConfigErrorInvalidTokens(f"Invalid config value for resource key {res_key}. Only one "
f"`{MULTI_TOKEN}` token is permitted per resource.")
has_multi_token = True
matched_groups = re.match(NAMED_TOKEN_REGEX, seg["name"])
if matched_groups:
# Save the first group as a named token, since there's only 1 matching group in the regex.
if matched_groups.groups()[0] in named_tokens:
raise ConfigErrorInvalidTokens(
f"Invalid config value for resource key {res_key}. Named token "
f"{matched_groups.groups()[0]} was found in multiple segments of "
"the resource path. Each named token should only be used once in a "
"resource path.")
return {"has_multi_token": has_multi_token, "named_tokens": named_tokens}
def validate_bidirectional_mapping(mapping: str,
res_info: Dict[str, ConfigResTokenInfo],
res_key1: str,
res_key2: str) -> None:
Validates if both resources of a bidirectional mapping respect validation rules.
Both should either use MULTI_TOKEN or not use it and both should use exactly the same named tokens.
if res_info[res_key1]["has_multi_token"] != res_info[res_key2]["has_multi_token"]:
raise ConfigErrorInvalidTokens(f"Invalid permission mapping `{mapping}`. For a bidirectional mapping, "
f"either all mapped resources should have `{MULTI_TOKEN}` "
"or none should use them.")
if res_info[res_key1]["named_tokens"] != res_info[res_key2]["named_tokens"]:
raise ConfigErrorInvalidTokens(f"Invalid permission mapping `{mapping}`. For a bidirectional mapping, "
"both resources should have exactly the same named_tokens. "
f"({res_key1}: {res_info[res_key1]['named_tokens']}, "
f"{res_key2}: {res_info[res_key2]['named_tokens']})")
def validate_unidirectional_mapping(mapping: str, src_info: ConfigResTokenInfo, tgt_info: ConfigResTokenInfo) -> None:
Validates if both source and target resource of a unidirectional mapping respect validation rules.
Source resource should use MULTI_TOKEN if target uses it, and source resource should include all named tokens found
in the target resource.
if not src_info["has_multi_token"] and tgt_info["has_multi_token"]:
raise ConfigErrorInvalidTokens(f"Invalid permission mapping `{mapping}`. For a unidirectional mapping, "
"the source resource should use a MULTI_TOKEN "
"if the target is using one.")
missing_named_tokens = tgt_info["named_tokens"] - src_info["named_tokens"]
if missing_named_tokens:
raise ConfigErrorInvalidTokens(f"Invalid permission mapping `{mapping}`. For a unidirectional mapping, "
"all named tokens found in the target resource should also be found in "
f"the source resource, but the tokens `{missing_named_tokens}` are "
f"missing from the source.")
def get_mapping_info(mapping: str) -> Tuple[Union[str, Any], ...]:
Obtain the different info found in a mapping string from the config.
Returns the following matching groups :
(res_key1, permission1, direction, res_key2, permission2)
matched_groups = re.match(MAPPING_REGEX, mapping)
if not matched_groups or len(matched_groups.groups()) != 5:
raise ConfigError(f"Error parsing mapping `{mapping}`. "
"Couldn't find all mapping info because of invalid format.")
return matched_groups.groups()
def get_permissions_from_str(permissions: str) -> List[str]:
Returns a tuple of all permissions found in a string.
Used for permission strings found in the config, which can either be a single permission or a list of permissions.
matched_groups = re.findall(PERMISSION_REGEX, permissions)
if not matched_groups:
raise ConfigError("Couldn't find permission, invalid format.")
return matched_groups
def validate_sync_mapping_config(sync_cfg: SyncPermissionConfig, res_info: Dict[str, ConfigResTokenInfo]) -> None:
Validates if mappings in the config have valid resource keys and use tokens properly.
for mapping in sync_cfg["permissions_mapping"]:
res_key1, _, direction, res_key2, _ = get_mapping_info(mapping)
for res_key in [res_key1, res_key2]:
if res_key not in res_info:
raise ConfigErrorInvalidResourceKey(f"Invalid config mapping references resource {res_key} which is "
"not defined in any service.")
if direction == BIDIRECTIONAL_ARROW:
validate_bidirectional_mapping(mapping, res_info, res_key1, res_key2)
elif direction == RIGHT_ARROW:
validate_unidirectional_mapping(mapping, src_info=res_info[res_key1], tgt_info=res_info[res_key2])
elif direction == LEFT_ARROW:
validate_unidirectional_mapping(mapping, src_info=res_info[res_key2], tgt_info=res_info[res_key1])
raise ConfigError(f"Invalid direction `{direction}` found in the permissions_mapping.")
def validate_sync_config(sync_cfg: SyncPermissionConfig) -> None:
# validate and get all resources info
res_info = {}
for resources in sync_cfg["services"].values():
for res_key in resources:
if res_key in res_info:
raise ConfigErrorInvalidResourceKey(f"Found duplicate resource key {res_key} in config. Config resource"
" keys should be unique even between different services.")
res_info[res_key] = validate_and_get_resource_info(res_key, resources[res_key])
validate_sync_mapping_config(sync_cfg, res_info)
def validate_sync_config_services(sync_cfg: SyncPermissionConfig, available_services: List[str]) -> None:
Validates if all services used in the sync config are actual available services.
All services should correspond to actual services available in Magpie.
for svc in sync_cfg["services"]:
if svc not in available_services:
raise ConfigErrorInvalidServiceKey(f"Service `{svc}` used in sync config is not valid since it was not "
f"found in Magpie services ({available_services}).")