Source code for cowbird.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import importlib
import json
import logging
import os
import stat
import subprocess  # nosec B404
import sys
import types
from configparser import ConfigParser
from enum import Enum
from inspect import isclass, isfunction
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, NoReturn, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union, cast
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

from import Celery
from pyramid.config import Configurator
from import NewRequest
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPClientError, HTTPException
from pyramid.registry import Registry
from pyramid.request import Request
from pyramid.response import Response
from pyramid.settings import asbool, truthy
from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_registry
from pyramid_celery import celery_app as pyramid_celery_app
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
from webob.headers import EnvironHeaders, ResponseHeaders

from cowbird import __meta__
from cowbird.constants import DEFAULT_ADMIN_GID, DEFAULT_ADMIN_UID, get_constant, validate_required
from cowbird.typedefs import (

[docs] CONTENT_TYPE_ANY = "*/*"
[docs] CONTENT_TYPE_JSON = "application/json"
[docs] CONTENT_TYPE_FORM = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
[docs] CONTENT_TYPE_HTML = "text/html"
[docs] CONTENT_TYPE_PLAIN = "text/plain"
[docs] CONTENT_TYPE_APP_XML = "application/xml"
[docs] CONTENT_TYPE_TXT_XML = "text/xml"
# The following two settings are for internal use only and are not meant to be exposed or changed from config file # This setting is set to true before creating the app for the cli, the pyramid app use the default false value
[docs] CLI_MODE_CFG = "cli_mode"
# This setting is set to true before creating the test app, the pyramid app use the default false value
[docs] USE_TEST_CELERY_APP_CFG = "use_test_celery_app"
[docs] EnumClassType = TypeVar("EnumClassType", bound=Enum) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] def get_logger(name: str, level: Optional[int] = None, force_stdout: bool = None, message_format: Optional[str] = None, datetime_format: Optional[str] = None, ) -> logging.Logger: """ Immediately sets the logger level to avoid duplicate log outputs from the `root logger` and `this logger` when `level` is ``logging.NOTSET``. """ logger = logging.getLogger(name) if logger.level == logging.NOTSET: # use package log level if it was specified via ini config with logger sections level = level or logging.getLogger(__meta__.__package__).getEffectiveLevel() if not level: # pylint: disable=C0415 # avoid circular import from cowbird.constants import COWBIRD_LOG_LEVEL level = COWBIRD_LOG_LEVEL logger.setLevel(level) if force_stdout or message_format or datetime_format: set_logger_config(logger, force_stdout, message_format, datetime_format) return logger
[docs] LOGGER = get_logger(__name__)
[docs] def set_logger_config(logger: logging.Logger, force_stdout: bool = False, message_format: Optional[str] = None, datetime_format: Optional[str] = None, ) -> logging.Logger: """ Applies the provided logging configuration settings to the logger. """ if not logger: return logger handler = None if force_stdout: all_handlers = logging.root.handlers + logger.handlers if not any(isinstance(h, logging.StreamHandler) for h in all_handlers): handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) logger.addHandler(handler) # noqa: type if not handler: if logger.handlers: handler = logger.handlers else: handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) logger.addHandler(handler) if message_format or datetime_format: handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt=message_format, datefmt=datetime_format)) return logger
[docs] def raise_log(msg: str, exception: Type[Exception] = Exception, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, level: int = logging.ERROR) -> NoReturn: """ Logs the provided message to the logger and raises the corresponding exception afterwards. :raises exception: whichever exception provided is raised systematically after logging. """ if not logger: logger = get_logger(__name__) logger.log(level, msg) if not isclass(exception) or not issubclass(exception, Exception): exception = Exception raise exception(msg) # pylint: disable=W0719
[docs] def bool2str(value: Any) -> str: """ Converts :paramref:`value` to explicit ``"true"`` or ``"false"`` :class:`str` with permissive variants comparison that can represent common falsy or truthy values. """ return "true" if str(value).lower() in truthy else "false"
[docs] def islambda(func: Any) -> bool: """ Evaluate if argument is a callable :class:`lambda` expression. """ return isinstance(func, types.LambdaType) and func.__name__ == (lambda: None).__name__ # noqa
[docs] def configure_celery(config: Configurator, config_ini: str) -> None:"Configuring celery") # shared_tasks use the default celery app by default so setting the pyramid_celery celery_app as default prevent # celery to create its own app instance (which is not configured properly and is bugging the shared tasks). # Also, it must be done early because as soon as config scan is started, some packages may include celery, # and it will create its own app instance. # # ** If the test celery app must be used, nothing has to be done since this is already the default app ** if not config.registry.settings.get(USE_TEST_CELERY_APP_CFG, False): pyramid_celery_app.set_default() # Add the config dir in path so that celeryconfig file can be found sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(config_ini)) config.include("pyramid_celery") config.configure_celery(config_ini)"Locating celery tasks...") grep_command = ["grep", "--include=*.py", "-rw", os.path.dirname(__file__), "-e", "^@shared_task"] task_files =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, check=True) # nosec B603 install_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) modules_set = set() for file in task_files.stdout.strip("\n").split("\n"): if not file: continue # Python file relative to package install directory rel_name = os.path.relpath(file.split(":")[0], install_dir) # Get the module name by striping the extension .py and replacing / by . mod_name = rel_name[:-3].replace("/", ".") modules_set.add(mod_name) for module in modules_set: importlib.import_module(module)"Importing celery tasks from module [%s]", module)
[docs] def get_app_config(container: AnySettingsContainer) -> Configurator: """ Generates application configuration with all required utilities and settings configured. """ import cowbird.constants # pylint: disable=C0415 # to override specific constants/variables # override INI config path if provided with --paste to gunicorn, otherwise use environment variable config_settings = get_settings(container) config_env: str = get_constant("COWBIRD_INI_FILE_PATH", config_settings, raise_missing=True) config_ini: str = (container or {}).get("__file__", config_env)"Using initialisation file : [%s]", config_ini) if config_ini != config_env: cowbird.constants.COWBIRD_INI_FILE_PATH = config_ini config_settings["cowbird.ini_file_path"] = config_ini"Environment variable COWBIRD_INI_FILE_PATH [%s] ignored", config_env) settings = get_settings_from_config_ini(config_ini) settings.update(config_settings) print_log("Setting up loggers...", LOGGER) log_lvl: str = get_constant("COWBIRD_LOG_LEVEL", settings, "cowbird.log_level", default_value="INFO", raise_missing=False, raise_not_set=False, print_missing=True) # apply proper value in case it was in ini AND env since up until then, only env was checked # we want to prioritize the ini definition cowbird.constants.COWBIRD_LOG_LEVEL = log_lvl LOGGER.setLevel(log_lvl) print_log("Validate settings that require explicit definitions...", LOGGER) validate_required(settings) # avoid cornice conflicting with pyramid exception views settings["handle_exceptions"] = False # create configurator or use one defined as input to preserve previous setup/include/etc. config = Configurator() if not isinstance(container, Configurator) else container config.setup_registry(settings=settings) # Celery is not required in cli mode if not settings.get(CLI_MODE_CFG, False): # Must be done before include scan, see configure_celery for more details configure_celery(config, config_ini) # don't use scan otherwise modules like 'cowbird.adapter' are # automatically found and cause import errors on missing packages print_log("Including Cowbird modules...", LOGGER) config.include("pyramid_mako") config.include("cowbird") # NOTE: don't call 'config.scan("cowbird")' to avoid parsing issues with colander/cornice, # add them explicitly with 'config.include(<module>)', and then they can do 'config.scan()' return config
[docs] def get_settings_from_config_ini(config_ini_path: str, section: Optional[str] = None) -> SettingsType: """ Loads configuration INI settings with additional handling. """ parser = ConfigParser() parser.optionxform = lambda option: option # preserve case of config (default applies lowercase) result =[config_ini_path]) # raise silently ignored missing file if len(result) != 1 or not os.path.isfile(result[0]): if result: result = result[0] or os.path.abspath(str(config_ini_path)) # in case not found, use expected location message = f"Cannot find INI configuration file [{config_ini_path}] resolved as [{result}]" else: message = f"Cannot find INI configuration file [{config_ini_path}]" raise ValueError(message) if section is None: section = f"app:{__meta__.__package__}_app" return dict(parser.items(section=section))
[docs] def get_registry(container: AnyRegistryContainer, nothrow: bool = False) -> Optional[Registry]: """ Retrieves the application ``registry`` from various containers referencing to it. """ if isinstance(container, Celery): return container.conf.get("PYRAMID_REGISTRY", {}) if isinstance(container, (Configurator, Request)): return container.registry if isinstance(container, Registry): return container if nothrow: return None raise TypeError(f"Could not retrieve registry from container object of type [{type(container)}].")
[docs] def get_json(response: AnyResponseType) -> JSON: """ Retrieves the 'JSON' body of a response using the property/callable according to the response's implementation. """ if isinstance(response.json, dict): return response.json return response.json()
[docs] def get_header(header_name: str, header_container: AnyHeadersType, default: Optional[str] = None, split: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, ) -> Optional[str]: """ Retrieves ``header_name`` by fuzzy match (independently of upper/lower-case and underscore/dash) from various framework implementations of ``Headers``. If ``split`` is specified, the matched ``header_name`` is first split with it and the first item is returned. This allows to parse complex headers (e.g.: ``text/plain; charset=UTF-8`` to ``text/plain`` with ``split=';'``). :param header_name: header to find. :param header_container: where to look for `header_name`. :param default: value to returned if `header_container` is invalid or `header_name` could not be found. :param split: character(s) to use to split the *found* `header_name`. """ def fuzzy_name(name: str) -> str: return name.lower().replace("-", "_") if header_container is None: return default headers = header_container if isinstance(headers, (ResponseHeaders, EnvironHeaders, CaseInsensitiveDict)): headers = dict(headers) if isinstance(headers, dict): headers = header_container.items() header_name = fuzzy_name(header_name) for h, v in headers: if fuzzy_name(h) == header_name: if isinstance(split, str) and len(split) > 1: split = [c for c in split] if hasattr(split, "__iter__") and not isinstance(split, str): for sep in split: v = v.replace(sep, split[0]) split = split[0] return (v.split(split)[0] if split else v).strip() # type: ignore[arg-type] return default
[docs] def convert_response(response: AnyResponseType) -> Response: """ Converts a :class:`requests.Response` object to an equivalent :class:`pyramid.response.Response` object. Content of the :paramref:`response` is expected to be JSON. :param response: response to be converted :returns: converted response """ if isinstance(response, Response): return response json_body = get_json(response) pyramid_response = Response(body=json_body, headers=response.headers) if hasattr(response, "cookies"): for cookie in response.cookies: pyramid_response.set_cookie(, value=cookie.value, overwrite=True) # noqa if isinstance(response, HTTPException): for header_name, header_value in response.headers._items: # noqa # pylint: disable=W0212 if header_name.lower() == "set-cookie": pyramid_response.set_cookie(name=header_name, value=header_value, overwrite=True) return pyramid_response
[docs] def get_settings(container: Optional[AnySettingsContainer], app: bool = False) -> SettingsType: """ Retrieve application settings from a supported container. :param container: supported container with a handle to application settings. :param app: allow retrieving from current thread registry if no container was defined. :returns: found application settings dictionary. :raise TypeError: when no application settings could be found or unsupported container. """ if isinstance(container, (Configurator, Request)): return container.registry.settings # noqa if isinstance(container, Registry): return container.settings if isinstance(container, dict): return container if container is None and app: print_log("Using settings from local thread.", level=logging.DEBUG) registry = get_current_registry() return registry.settings raise TypeError(f"Could not retrieve settings from container object [{type(container)}]")
[docs] def fully_qualified_name(obj: Union[Any, Type[Any]]) -> str: """ Obtains the ``'<module>.<name>'`` full path definition of the object to allow finding and importing it. """ cls = obj if isclass(obj) or isfunction(obj) else type(obj) return ".".join([obj.__module__, cls.__name__])
[docs] def log_request_format(request: Request) -> str: return f"{request.method!s} {!s} {request.path!s}"
[docs] def log_request(event: NewRequest) -> None: """ Subscriber event that logs basic details about the incoming requests. """ request: Request = event.request"Request: [%s]", log_request_format(request)) if LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): def items_str(items: Dict[str, str]) -> str: return "\n ".join([f"{h!s}: {items[h]!s}" for h in items]) if len(items) else "-" header_str = items_str(request.headers) params_str = items_str(request.params) body_str = str(request.body) or "-" LOGGER.debug("Request details:\n" "URL: %s\n" "Path: %s\n" "Method: %s\n" "Headers:\n" " %s\n" "Parameters:\n" " %s\n" "Body:\n" " %s", request.url, request.path, request.method, header_str, params_str, body_str)
[docs] def log_exception_tween( handler: Callable[[Request], AnyResponseType], registry: Registry, # noqa: F811 ) -> Callable[[Request], AnyResponseType]: """ Tween factory that logs any exception before re-raising it. Application errors are marked as ``ERROR`` while non-critical HTTP errors are marked as ``WARNING``. """ def log_exc(request: Request) -> AnyResponseType: try: return handler(request) except Exception as err: lvl = logging.ERROR exc = True if isinstance(err, HTTPClientError): lvl = logging.WARNING exc = False LOGGER.log(lvl, "Exception during request: [%s]", log_request_format(request), exc_info=exc) raise err return log_exc
[docs] def is_json_body(body: Any) -> bool: if not body: return False try: json.loads(body) except (ValueError, TypeError): return False return True
# note: must not define any enum value here to allow inheritance by subclasses
[docs] class ExtendedEnum(Enum): """ Utility :class:`enum.Enum` methods. Create an extended enum with these utilities as follows:: class CustomEnum(ExtendedEnum): ItemA = "A" ItemB = "B" """ @classmethod
[docs] def names(cls) -> List[str]: """ Returns the member names assigned to corresponding enum elements. """ return list(cls.__members__)
[docs] def values(cls) -> List[AnyKey]: """ Returns the literal values assigned to corresponding enum elements. """ return [m.value for m in cls.__members__.values()] # pylint: disable=E1101
[docs] def get(cls: Type[EnumClassType], key_or_value: Union[AnyKey, EnumClassType], default: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> Optional[EnumClassType]: """ Finds an enum entry by defined name or its value. Returns the entry directly if it is already a valid enum. """ # Python 3.8 disallow direct check of 'str' in 'enum' members: List[EnumClassType] = [member for member in cls] if key_or_value in members: # pylint: disable=E1133 return cast(EnumClassType, key_or_value) for m_key, m_val in cls.__members__.items(): # pylint: disable=E1101 if key_or_value == m_key or key_or_value == m_val.value: # pylint: disable=R1714 return m_val return default
[docs] SingletonMetaType: TypeAlias = "SingletonMeta"
# taken from
[docs] class SingletonMeta(type): """ A metaclass that creates a Singleton base class when called. Create a class such that. .. code-block:: python class A(object, metaclass=SingletonMeta): pass class B(object, metaclass=SingletonMeta): pass a1 = A() a2 = A() b1 = B() b2 = B() a1 is a2 # True b1 is b2 # True a1 is b1 # False """
[docs] _instances: Dict[SingletonMetaType, SingletonMetaType] = {}
[docs] def __call__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> SingletonMetaType: if cls not in cls._instances: cls._instances[cls] = super(SingletonMeta, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs) return cls._instances[cls]
[docs] class NullType(object, metaclass=SingletonMeta): """ Represents a null value to differentiate from None. """
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<null>"
[docs] def __nonzero__() -> bool: return False
[docs] __bool__ = __nonzero__
[docs] __len__ = __nonzero__
[docs] null = NullType() # pylint: disable=C0103,invalid-name
[docs] def is_null(item: Any) -> bool: return isinstance(item, NullType) or item is null
[docs] def get_config_path(container: Optional[AnySettingsContainer] = None) -> str: settings = get_settings(container, app=True) return str(get_constant("COWBIRD_CONFIG_PATH", settings, default_value=None, raise_missing=True, raise_not_set=True, # no reason for cowbird to run without a config! print_missing=True))
[docs] def get_ssl_verify(container: Optional[AnySettingsContainer] = None) -> bool: return asbool(get_constant("COWBIRD_SSL_VERIFY", container, default_value=True, raise_missing=False, raise_not_set=False, print_missing=True))
[docs] def get_timeout(container: Optional[AnySettingsContainer] = None) -> int: return int(get_constant("COWBIRD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT", container, default_value=5, raise_missing=False, raise_not_set=False))
[docs] def apply_new_path_permissions(path: str, is_readable: bool, is_writable: bool, is_executable: bool) -> None: """ Applies new permissions to a path, if required. """ # Only use the 3 last octal digits previous_perms = os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE] & 0o777 new_perms = update_filesystem_permissions(previous_perms, is_readable=is_readable, is_writable=is_writable, is_executable=is_executable) # Only apply chmod if there is an actual change, to avoid looping events between Magpie and Cowbird if new_perms != previous_perms: try: os.chmod(path, new_perms) except PermissionError as exc: LOGGER.warning("Failed to change permissions from `%o` to `%o` on the path [%s] : %s", previous_perms, new_perms, path, exc)
[docs] def update_filesystem_permissions(permission: int, is_readable: bool, is_writable: bool, is_executable: bool) -> int: """ Applies/remove read, write and execute permissions (on ``others`` only) to the input file system permissions. Note that ``others`` permissions are used instead of the ``user``/``group`` permissions, to manage the user's data access. See :ref:`Components - Usage of 'others' permissions <components_others_permissions>` for more details on the usage of ``others`` permissions. """ for perm_enabled, perm_mode in zip([is_readable, is_writable, is_executable], [stat.S_IROTH, stat.S_IWOTH, stat.S_IXOTH]): permission = permission | perm_mode if perm_enabled else permission & ~perm_mode # Only use the 3 last octal digits permission = permission & 0o777 return permission
[docs] def apply_default_path_ownership(path: str) -> None: """ Applies default ownership to a path, if required. """ path_stat = os.stat(path) # Only apply chown if there is an actual change, to avoid looping events between Magpie and Cowbird if path_stat.st_uid != DEFAULT_ADMIN_UID or path_stat.st_gid != DEFAULT_ADMIN_GID: try: # This operation only works as root. os.chown(path, DEFAULT_ADMIN_UID, DEFAULT_ADMIN_GID) except PermissionError as exc: LOGGER.warning("Failed to change ownership from [uid=%s;gid=%s] to [uid=%s;gid=%s] on the path [%s] : %s", path_stat.st_uid, path_stat.st_gid, DEFAULT_ADMIN_UID, DEFAULT_ADMIN_GID, path, exc)