Source code for cowbird.config

import logging
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import yaml

from cowbird.utils import get_logger, print_log, raise_log

    # pylint: disable=W0611,unused-import
    from typing import List, Union

    from cowbird.typedefs import ConfigDict

[docs]LOGGER = get_logger(__name__)
[docs]class ConfigError(RuntimeError):
""" Generic error during configuration loading. """
[docs]def _load_config(path_or_dict, section, allow_missing=False): # type: (Union[str, ConfigDict], str, bool) -> ConfigDict """ Loads a file path or dictionary as YAML/JSON configuration. """ try: if isinstance(path_or_dict, str): cfg = yaml.safe_load(open(path_or_dict, "r")) else: cfg = path_or_dict return _expand_all(cfg[section]) except KeyError: msg = "Config file section [{!s}] not found.".format(section) if allow_missing: print_log(msg, level=logging.WARNING, logger=LOGGER) return {} raise_log(msg, exception=ConfigError, logger=LOGGER) except Exception as exc: raise_log("Invalid config file [{!r}]".format(exc), exception=ConfigError, logger=LOGGER)
[docs]def get_all_configs(path_or_dict, section, allow_missing=False): # type: (Union[str, ConfigDict], str, bool) -> List[ConfigDict] """ Loads all configuration files specified by the path (if a directory), a single configuration (if a file) or directly returns the specified dictionary section (if a configuration dictionary). :returns: - list of configurations loaded if input was a directory path - list of single configuration if input was a file path - list of single configuration if input was a JSON dict - empty list if none of the other cases where matched .. note:: Order of file loading will be resolved by alphabetically sorted filename if specifying a directory path. """ if isinstance(path_or_dict, str): if os.path.isdir(path_or_dict): dir_path = os.path.abspath(path_or_dict) known_extensions = [".cfg", ".yml", ".yaml", ".json"] cfg_names = list(sorted({fn for fn in os.listdir(dir_path) if any(fn.endswith(ext) for ext in known_extensions)})) return [_load_config(os.path.join(dir_path, fn), section, allow_missing) for fn in cfg_names] if os.path.isfile(path_or_dict): return [_load_config(path_or_dict, section, allow_missing)] elif isinstance(path_or_dict, dict): return [_load_config(path_or_dict, section, allow_missing)] return []
[docs]def _expand_all(config): # type: (ConfigDict) -> ConfigDict """ Applies environment variable expansion recursively to all applicable fields of a configuration definition. """ if isinstance(config, dict): for cfg in list(config): cfg_key = os.path.expandvars(cfg) if cfg_key != cfg: config[cfg_key] = config.pop(cfg) config[cfg_key] = _expand_all(config[cfg_key]) elif isinstance(config, (list, set)): for i, cfg in enumerate(config): config[i] = _expand_all(cfg) elif isinstance(config, str): config = os.path.expandvars(str(config)) elif isinstance(config, (int, bool, float, type(None))): pass else: raise NotImplementedError("unknown parsing of config of type: {}". format(type(config))) return config