Source code for cowbird.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
import types
from configparser import ConfigParser
from enum import Enum
from inspect import isclass, isfunction
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from pyramid.config import Configurator
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPClientError, HTTPException
from pyramid.registry import Registry
from pyramid.request import Request
from pyramid.response import Response
from pyramid.settings import truthy
from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_registry
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
from webob.headers import EnvironHeaders, ResponseHeaders

from cowbird import __meta__
from cowbird.constants import get_constant, validate_required

    # pylint: disable=W0611,unused-import
    from typing import _TC  # noqa: E0611,F401,W0212 # pylint: disable=E0611
    from typing import Any, List, NoReturn, Optional, Type, Union

    from import NewRequest

    from cowbird.typedefs import AnyHeadersType, AnyKey, AnyResponseType, AnySettingsContainer, SettingsType

[docs]CONTENT_TYPE_ANY = "*/*"
[docs]CONTENT_TYPE_JSON = "application/json"
[docs]CONTENT_TYPE_FORM = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
[docs]CONTENT_TYPE_HTML = "text/html"
[docs]CONTENT_TYPE_PLAIN = "text/plain"
[docs]CONTENT_TYPE_APP_XML = "application/xml"
[docs]CONTENT_TYPE_TXT_XML = "text/xml"
[docs]def get_logger(name, level=None, force_stdout=None, message_format=None, datetime_format=None): # type: (str, Optional[int], bool, Optional[str], Optional[str]) -> logging.Logger """ Immediately sets the logger level to avoid duplicate log outputs from the `root logger` and `this logger` when `level` is ``logging.NOTSET``. """ logger = logging.getLogger(name) if logger.level == logging.NOTSET: # use package log level if it was specified via ini config with logger sections level = level or logging.getLogger(__meta__.__package__).getEffectiveLevel() if not level: # pylint: disable=C0415 # avoid circular import from cowbird.constants import COWBIRD_LOG_LEVEL level = COWBIRD_LOG_LEVEL logger.setLevel(level) if force_stdout or message_format or datetime_format: set_logger_config(logger, force_stdout, message_format, datetime_format) return logger
[docs]LOGGER = get_logger(__name__)
[docs]def set_logger_config(logger, force_stdout=False, message_format=None, datetime_format=None): # type: (logging.Logger, bool, Optional[str], Optional[str]) -> logging.Logger """ Applies the provided logging configuration settings to the logger. """ if not logger: return logger handler = None if force_stdout: all_handlers = logging.root.handlers + logger.handlers if not any(isinstance(h, logging.StreamHandler) for h in all_handlers): handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) logger.addHandler(handler) # noqa: type if not handler: if logger.handlers: handler = logger.handlers else: handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) logger.addHandler(handler) if message_format or datetime_format: handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt=message_format, datefmt=datetime_format)) return logger
[docs]def raise_log(msg, exception=Exception, logger=None, level=logging.ERROR): # type: (str, Type[Exception], Optional[logging.Logger], int) -> NoReturn """ Logs the provided message to the logger and raises the corresponding exception afterwards. :raises exception: whichever exception provided is raised systematically after logging. """ if not logger: logger = get_logger(__name__) logger.log(level, msg) if not isclass(exception) or not issubclass(exception, Exception): exception = Exception raise exception(msg)
[docs]def bool2str(value): # type: (Any) -> str """ Converts :paramref:`value` to explicit ``"true"`` or ``"false"`` :class:`str` with permissive variants comparison that can represent common falsy or truthy values. """ return "true" if str(value).lower() in truthy else "false"
[docs]def islambda(func): # type: (Any) -> bool """ Evaluate if argument is a callable :class:`lambda` expression. """ return isinstance(func, types.LambdaType) and func.__name__ == (lambda: None).__name__ # noqa
[docs]def get_app_config(container, celery=True): # type: (AnySettingsContainer, bool) -> Configurator """ Generates application configuration with all required utilities and settings configured. """ import cowbird.constants # pylint: disable=C0415 # to override specific constants/variables # override INI config path if provided with --paste to gunicorn, otherwise use environment variable config_settings = get_settings(container) config_env = get_constant("COWBIRD_INI_FILE_PATH", config_settings, raise_missing=True) config_ini = (container or {}).get("__file__", config_env) if config_ini != config_env: cowbird.constants.COWBIRD_INI_FILE_PATH = config_ini config_settings["cowbird.ini_file_path"] = config_ini settings = get_settings_from_config_ini(config_ini) settings.update(config_settings) print_log("Setting up loggers...", LOGGER) log_lvl = get_constant("COWBIRD_LOG_LEVEL", settings, "cowbird.log_level", default_value="INFO", raise_missing=False, raise_not_set=False, print_missing=True) # apply proper value in case it was in ini AND env since up until then, only env was check # we want to prioritize the ini definition cowbird.constants.COWBIRD_LOG_LEVEL = log_lvl LOGGER.setLevel(log_lvl) print_log("Validate settings that require explicit definitions...", LOGGER) validate_required(settings) # avoid cornice conflicting with pyramid exception views settings["handle_exceptions"] = False # create configurator or use one defined as input to preserve previous setup/include/etc. config = Configurator() if not isinstance(container, Configurator) else container config.setup_registry(settings=settings) # don't use scan otherwise modules like 'cowbird.adapter' are # automatically found and cause import errors on missing packages print_log("Including Cowbird modules...", LOGGER) config.include("pyramid_mako") config.include("cowbird") # NOTE: don't call 'config.scan("cowbird")' to avoid parsing issues with colander/cornice, # add them explicitly with 'config.include(<module>)', and then they can do 'config.scan()' if celery: config.include("pyramid_celery") config.configure_celery(config_ini) return config
[docs]def get_settings_from_config_ini(config_ini_path, section=None): """ Loads configuration INI settings with additional handling. """ parser = ConfigParser() parser.optionxform = lambda option: option # preserve case of config (default applies lowercase) result =[config_ini_path]) # raise silently ignored missing file if len(result) != 1 or not os.path.isfile(result[0]): if result: result = result[0] or os.path.abspath(str(config_ini_path)) # in case not found, use expected location message = "Cannot find INI configuration file [{}] resolved as [{}]".format(config_ini_path, result) else: message = "Cannot find INI configuration file [{}]".format(config_ini_path) raise ValueError(message) if section is None: section = "app:{}_app".format(__meta__.__package__) return dict(parser.items(section=section))
[docs]def get_json(response): """ Retrieves the 'JSON' body of a response using the property/callable according to the response's implementation. """ if isinstance(response.json, dict): return response.json return response.json()
[docs]def get_header(header_name, header_container, default=None, split=None): # type: (str, AnyHeadersType, Optional[str], Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]) -> Optional[str] """ Retrieves ``header_name`` by fuzzy match (independently of upper/lower-case and underscore/dash) from various framework implementations of ``Headers``. If ``split`` is specified, the matched ``header_name`` is first split with it and the first item is returned. This allows to parse complex headers (e.g.: ``text/plain; charset=UTF-8`` to ``text/plain`` with ``split=';'``). :param header_name: header to find. :param header_container: where to look for `header_name`. :param default: value to returned if `header_container` is invalid or `header_name` could not be found. :param split: character(s) to use to split the *found* `header_name`. """ def fuzzy_name(name): return name.lower().replace("-", "_") if header_container is None: return default headers = header_container if isinstance(headers, (ResponseHeaders, EnvironHeaders, CaseInsensitiveDict)): headers = dict(headers) if isinstance(headers, dict): headers = header_container.items() header_name = fuzzy_name(header_name) for h, v in headers: if fuzzy_name(h) == header_name: if isinstance(split, str) and len(split) > 1: split = [c for c in split] if hasattr(split, "__iter__") and not isinstance(split, str): for sep in split: v = v.replace(sep, split[0]) split = split[0] return (v.split(split)[0] if split else v).strip() return default
[docs]def convert_response(response): # type: (AnyResponseType) -> Response """ Converts a :class:`requests.Response` object to an equivalent :class:`pyramid.response.Response` object. Content of the :paramref:`response` is expected to be JSON. :param response: response to be converted :returns: converted response """ if isinstance(response, Response): return response json_body = get_json(response) pyramid_response = Response(body=json_body, headers=response.headers) if hasattr(response, "cookies"): for cookie in response.cookies: pyramid_response.set_cookie(, value=cookie.value, overwrite=True) # noqa if isinstance(response, HTTPException): for header_name, header_value in response.headers._items: # noqa # pylint: disable=W0212 if header_name.lower() == "set-cookie": pyramid_response.set_cookie(name=header_name, value=header_value, overwrite=True) return pyramid_response
[docs]def get_settings(container, app=False): # type: (Optional[AnySettingsContainer], bool) -> SettingsType """ Retrieve application settings from a supported container. :param container: supported container with an handle to application settings. :param app: allow retrieving from current thread registry if no container was defined. :return: found application settings dictionary. :raise TypeError: when no application settings could be found or unsupported container. """ if isinstance(container, (Configurator, Request)): return container.registry.settings # noqa if isinstance(container, Registry): return container.settings if isinstance(container, dict): return container if container is None and app: print_log("Using settings from local thread.", level=logging.DEBUG) registry = get_current_registry() return registry.settings raise TypeError("Could not retrieve settings from container object [{}]".format(type(container)))
[docs]def fully_qualified_name(obj): # type: (Union[Any, Type[Any]]) -> str """ Obtains the ``'<module>.<name>'`` full path definition of the object to allow finding and importing it. """ cls = obj if isclass(obj) or isfunction(obj) else type(obj) return ".".join([obj.__module__, cls.__name__])
[docs]def log_request_format(request): # type: (Request) -> str return "{!s} {!s} {!s}".format(request.method,, request.path)
[docs]def log_request(event): # type: (NewRequest) -> None """ Subscriber event that logs basic details about the incoming requests. """ request = event.request # type: Request"Request: [%s]", log_request_format(request)) if LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): def items_str(items): return "\n ".join(["{!s}: {!s}".format(h, items[h]) for h in items]) if len(items) else "-" header_str = items_str(request.headers) params_str = items_str(request.params) body_str = str(request.body) or "-" LOGGER.debug("Request details:\n" "URL: %s\n" "Path: %s\n" "Method: %s\n" "Headers:\n" " %s\n" "Parameters:\n" " %s\n" "Body:\n" " %s", request.url, request.path, request.method, header_str, params_str, body_str)
[docs]def log_exception_tween(handler, registry): # noqa: F811 """ Tween factory that logs any exception before re-raising it. Application errors are marked as ``ERROR`` while non critical HTTP errors are marked as ``WARNING``. """ def log_exc(request): try: return handler(request) except Exception as err: lvl = logging.ERROR exc = True if isinstance(err, HTTPClientError): lvl = logging.WARNING exc = False LOGGER.log(lvl, "Exception during request: [%s]", log_request_format(request), exc_info=exc) raise err return log_exc
[docs]def is_json_body(body): # type: (Any) -> bool if not body: return False try: json.loads(body) except (ValueError, TypeError): return False return True
# note: must not define any enum value here to allow inheritance by subclasses
[docs]class ExtendedEnum(Enum): """ Utility :class:`enum.Enum` methods. Create an extended enum with these utilities as follows:: class CustomEnum(ExtendedEnum): ItemA = "A" ItemB = "B" """ @classmethod
[docs] def names(cls): # type: () -> List[str] """ Returns the member names assigned to corresponding enum elements. """ return list(cls.__members__)
[docs] def values(cls): # type: () -> List[AnyKey] """ Returns the literal values assigned to corresponding enum elements. """ return [m.value for m in cls.__members__.values()] # pylint: disable=E1101
[docs] def get(cls, key_or_value, default=None): # type: (AnyKey, Optional[Any]) -> Optional[_TC] """ Finds an enum entry by defined name or its value. Returns the entry directly if it is already a valid enum. """ # Python 3.8 disallow direct check of 'str' in 'enum' members = [member for member in cls] if key_or_value in members: # pylint: disable=E1133 return key_or_value for m_key, m_val in cls.__members__.items(): # pylint: disable=E1101 if key_or_value == m_key or key_or_value == m_val.value: # pylint: disable=R1714 return m_val return default
# taken from # works in Python 2 & 3
[docs]class SingletonMeta(type): """ A metaclass that creates a Singleton base class when called. Create a class such that. .. code-block:: python class A(object, metaclass=SingletonMeta): pass class B(object, metaclass=SingletonMeta): pass a1 = A() a2 = A() b1 = B() b2 = B() a1 is a2 # True b1 is b2 # True a1 is b1 # False """
[docs] _instances = {}
[docs] def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls not in cls._instances: cls._instances[cls] = super(SingletonMeta, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs) return cls._instances[cls]
[docs]class NullType(object, metaclass=SingletonMeta): """ Represents a null value to differentiate from None. """
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "<null>"
[docs] def __nonzero__(): return False
[docs] __bool__ = __nonzero__
[docs] __len__ = __nonzero__
[docs]null = NullType() # pylint: disable=C0103,invalid-name
[docs]def is_null(item): return isinstance(item, NullType) or item is null
[docs]def get_config_path(): settings = get_settings(None, app=True) return get_constant("COWBIRD_CONFIG_PATH", settings, default_value=None, raise_missing=False, raise_not_set=False, print_missing=True)